1. How is property, plant and equipment reported in the consolidated balance sheet? What is the total carrying amount for property, plant and equipment as disclosed at the end of the financial year?
2. What was the composition of Wesfarmers Ltd. property, plant and equipment at the end of the reporting period? How have these assets been valued?
3. What methods of depreciation have been used for the various categories of property. plant and equipment?
4. Has the group disclosed the rates of depreciation or the useful lives of these assets?
5. What was the amount of depreciation charged on these assets for the Current and prior years?
6. Were any items of property, plant and equipment purchased during the year. Were any such items constructed or under construction? How has the company treated borrowing cost incurred on properties under development? Does the company have any commitments for future capital expenditure not provided for in the financial statements? Provide details of any financial amounts involved”